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Thursday, January 12, 2012

Amazing Discovery

    As I was walking through the jungle, I heard a noise. It sounded very distant but it was very close indeed. As I approached the sound, the bushes kept moving. I thought it might be the wind but there could be a chance is wasn’t. I look through the bushes and THERE IT IS! Looking at me right in the eye was a 1300 pound monster called the jumbalaya. I have searched for years, and at last here it is. Who would have thought here in the middle of the jungle lied the beastly jambalaya. I hear someone approaching, and its very big. It was a large troop of soldiers wanting to take out the creature. "NO" I yelled but they shoved me out of the way. There they were, at least 300 men surrounding the beast when they shot it down. I couldn’t believe my eyes that such men could do this to the last jumbalaya on the earth. I sat there in disbelieve thinking I was dreaming. I pinched my self I slapped my self, but no it wasn’t a dream. The only thing I lived for was killed in front of my eyes. I hear a heavy breathing sound and the ground shakes. There it was! The jumbalaya was alive! It was playing dead the whole time! This creature was smarter than I thought. I shall make further research and hopefully no such incident ever happens again.

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