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Monday, February 6, 2012

Changing for the Good

Author’s Note: This is a story I read about a kid that has many problems at the time and his mom decides to take him to his dad’s house that he has no knowledge of. It teaches people to not be afraid and let people try to help you. I really enjoyed this book because it not only had some downers but some really enjoyable parts to.

Since when is starting trouble sometimes good? Well in Coltrane’s case in the book Ghetto Cowboy by G. Neri, it’s good because that trouble causes a big change in his life. Not a bad change but a very good one actually.  Life isn’t about living safely and cautious all the time you have to take stand for what you believe in, even if that means you’re standing alone. Take risks make mistakes it sometimes is for the better. Life is hard but In the end taking risks and putting yourself out there always ends up good.

In the beginning of the book, Cole was a big time trouble maker which included skipping school and not doing any homework when he did happen to show up. He caused so much trouble that his mom decided that she was going to take him with his dad for the summer. Cole hadn’t seen his dad in 14 years which made him really now want to go. Despite all the love and years they have been together, she feelt it is the right thing to do. In life there is going to be people that lead you in the wrong direction, there is going to be people that have no intentions but to hurt you; and in Cole’s case that’s exactly what was happening. All his friends and people close to him were leading him in the wrong direction. His mom caught on and decided to make a move. There’s always going to be that person in your life that wants to make a change for you, and if it’s not somebody else, it’s yourself.

Since he was causing trouble, his mom moved him to his dad’s house in Philadelphia. He hadn’t seen his dad since he walked out on him and his mom at the age of 1. Cole still had anger inside that he did that, but most of all he was angry that his mom just left him there. In life you are sure to come across problems if you don’t, then you are not living life. His dad, Harper, does not know what to do with Cole but tries to change him. Second time is a charm is a very good quote because you almost never succeed right away. Step by step you fight off your problems; you can’t just run a marathon without preparing and taking little steps. Do little by little and you will start to see change in your life. Strive yourself to change and be a better person. Lastly, in the end it always turns out alright.

Cole managed to see that his life shouldn’t be filled with anger and doubt you have to believe, and that is exactly what Cole did. He figured out that people were trying to help the whole time and they meant no harm. They loved him and he could clearly see that now. So don’t take everything so serious and negative because no matter how bad the situation is, there are going to be people that always want to help you get up and recover from the fall you have taken. Trust people it might just be what you need.

So in all put yourself out there push yourself out there and let people help you. It might be hard but it will be well worth it. If you put 100% effort in trying to change for the good you will succeed.  Hope for the best at all times.

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