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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Fight Back

Author's Note: This is a piece i wrote that says that you should never give up on a problem and it will always comeout better in the end. This is an important message to everybody who has a low self esteem.

Did you know there is a child being bullied every 7 minutes? It’s something that happens in and out of school and is nearly impossible to stop it out of school. 1 out of 4 kids are bullied and if you add up those numbers: that’s pretty big number. Moving to a new place is also hard leaving al your friends behind and starting a new life where there is no friends to protect you. In my book ‘Bully’ By: Paul Langan it shows all these effects and how you can pull through them. If you have the right mindset and people around you, you can fix these problems.

In the begging of the book, It starts off with Darrel walking down the street in which they both knew would be the last time they would see each other. They had been best friends since kinder garden and now moving and starting high school as a freshman somewhere else is very difficult. They gave each other a last hug and that was it: gone forever. I have friends that moved from a different city to Pewaukee and they all agree it’s hard to get used to and get to know people. Of course some people have better communicating skills than others but it’s still hard. It’s like going to a place where they speak a different language and you don’t know what to do; and all you can do is hope for the best.

Next thing you know, they’re in California not knowing what to expect. First day at the new house and really is not excited about it. His mom sends him out to buy some groceries and says if he wants new friends he should just give them a friendly smile. Well on the way to the store he sees some people and gives them the smile his mom said. They didn’t find this welcoming and thought he was laughing at them. They start beating on him for no reason. His name was Tyray and not play sadly enough. He hoped they didn’t go to his school! People are very unconfident and feel they have to put people down for them to rise. Maybe they do rise but nobody likes them. Sooner or later you will experience some kind of bullying whether is face to face or over the internet. I think they shouldn’t bully and be nice to everybody instead. It has the same rising effect but its good not bad being done. The bullying part always happens but so does meeting nice people.

He went on and gathered all the stuff his mom asked him for. While in line he saw this really pretty girl and wondered if she went to Blueford like he was. As he the line kept moving, he was up to pay they talked and she did go to Blueford! As they were talking, she said, “we freshman”. The word “we” really caught his attention and felt good friendship in between them. Again, there are not just bullies out there. That completely changed the way Darrel thought about California thanks to her. He now had some good people around him and a good mindset which was changing the way he acted already. His life in California was changing little by little.

Never go into a situation thinking negative. Always think positive because most of the time everything comes out fine. Sometimes it takes a little longer to turn positive but trust me it always is. Everything happens for a reason; that’s the way its supposed to be.

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