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Friday, January 18, 2013

Alberto M

Different Yet So Similar

Authors Note: This piece is about Two different stories that have a very similar. I am comparing the movie The Patriot  and the book Woods Runner.

Far away from civilization, lived Samuel Shattuck in a small settlement, deep into the woods of Pennsylvania. In a small cabin, Samuel lived with his parents and relatively, Sam would go out into the woods and hunt while his parents took care of things around the cabin. This book is very similar to the movie The Patriot, because many things that happen in the book, happen to be fairly close the events in the movie.

The first event that happened in the book is that while Samuel was out hunting he saw smoke coming the  direction of his cabin. When he ran back to see what was going on, he saw that everything was combusting with flames. Not a single cabin was standing, including his. He knew right away it was the redcoats because word spread about war not too far away.  Just like in the book, the Martins’ house was also burnt down by the redcoats. This shows that the redcoats were relentless and would stop at nothing to win the war.

Secondly, In Woods Runner, they had captured Sam’s parents after the attack. At first he thought his parents were dead but changed his thoughts when he found no trace of them back in the fiery roar of the cabins. He went on a mission to find and free his parents, which took the whole book. On the other hand, Gabriel, Benjamin’s son was captured by the redcoats. Benjamin got his to younger sons to go get his oldest son back. He killed 20 redcoats and successfully retrieved Gabriel back.

A difference rather than a similarity is the fact that they did what they did for different reasons. Sam fought and battled many redcoats, traveled across many states and teamed up with different people just to free his parents. He didn’t really care about the war but the people who raised and cared for him. Benjamin did it to prove to the British nation that they weren’t weak and would not back down from what the nation they were slowly building. He would protect his red white and blue from any attacker.

All in all, the book had a lot of similarities from wars to the ones who were taken but also had things that didn’t go the same.  Everything in life will have differences and similarities we just have to find out how to point them out. We all have our battle to fight we just have to know when the right time to fight is.


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