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Thursday, January 24, 2013

Two Truths
Authors Note: This is a piece i wrote about how a story can change depending on how you view it.

Nobody ever sees things the same in life. One person may know how an event actually unrolled and another person may have seen something from a different view thinking something else happened. In the book Woods Runner, Samuel is on a quest to find his parents after the British Red Coats Captured them. Samuel believes this is just crazy and they have no reason to be taking over land or capturing patriots. Everybody has different point of view in things, and looking from the British point of view in the Revolutionary War can really change up the story.

First off, the Patriots that came from Britain came because they wanted to be independent and start a new government.  Some people wanted their own land or some simply came to try something new. They saw it as nothing but leaving somewhere to go somewhere new. That simple. The British saw it as people escaping so they wouldn’t have to pay taxes or owe any money towards the government. They thought people were rebelling and ignoring everything that was built leaving. To the British, the  on goers were breaking rules.

One the Patriots had gotten to their new land, to them it was lake paradise. They started to establish their settlements and laws to make everything equal. The British certainly didn’t see it like that. They saw how happy the settlers were and thought they were laughing at them. They started taxing them on any tea and made them pay extra for stamps to try to them in their place. We won’t back down was the kind of attitude Britain had.

When the Patriots started fighting back, the British saw it saw an attack that was to kill all the red coats. If you would have asked a patriot, they would have said they were just fighting for independence. Many more were killed because of the train of thought that king George had.

All in all, this goes to show how dramatically a book can change depending a what point of view you read it at. There is one side of the story and the other side of the story, but there is only one truth. Next time you pick up a book make sure you look at all point of views so you can better understand why certain things happen.

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